+7 (473) 290-00-99
+7 (473) 290-00-99

Panel antenna KP20-1700/2700 is designed for use with 3G, 4G modems, GSM/3G repeaters in the range of 1700-2700 MHz.

The antenna is compatible with the equipment to the following standards:

  • 2G(EDGE, GPRS frequencies GSM1800)
  • 3G (UMTS 2100)
  • 4G (LTE1800, LTE2600)
  • 2.4 GHz WI-FI (IEEE 802.11 b, g, n)

A wide range of operating frequencies of the antenna allows 3G/4G modems to work effectively at the boundaries of the 4G service areas. The modem will automatically switch to the 3G standard, in the absence of a 4G signal, and the antenna will provide a high-quality signal in both bands.

The body of the antenna is made of ABS plastic, resistant to UV radiation and precipitation. The antenna input has short circuit DC current between the outer and inner conductors, which reduces the probability of accumulation of static electricity at the input of active equipment, reducing the probability of failure from static electricity, and makes optional the use of lightning arrester. Antenna mount designed for installation on a vertical pipe with a diameter of 32-40 mm. and allows you to adjust the angle of inclination.

Dimensions (length , width , height ), mm
445  x   445  x   80 

Antenna characteristics:

Operating frequency range, MHz
Antenna gain, dB
VSWR in the operating frequency range, not more than
Input impedance, Ohm
Maximum input power, W
N- female
F- female
Permissible wind load, m/s
Operating temperature range, °C
-40 … +50
Maximum permissible humidity, %
Communication standard
UMTS 2100
GSM 1800
WiFi 2400
LTE 1800
LTE 2600
Type of mounting
on the tube
Execution type


Кронштейн угловой
Антенна KROKS KP20-1700/2700
Руководство по эксплуатации (паспорт)
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