+7 (473) 290-00-99
+7 (473) 290-00-99

Directional panel MIMO antenna KAA14-1800 has a gain 14dB. It is recommended for use in conjunction with 4G (LTE 1800) modems and other equipment operating in the frequency range 1700-1900 MHz (radio communication systems, GSM alarm systems, etc.).

The antenna is designed to work in wireless networks with 4G (LTE 1800) standard equipment.

The high gain antenna (up to 14 dB) allows the 4G modem to operate confidently at a considerable distance from the base station, providing it with high-quality reception and transmission of the signal in the operating frequency range. The antenna works both for reception and transmission of the signal.

The use of MIMO technology allows to increase the data transfer speed up to 150 MB/s. MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) — a method of spatial encoding of the signal, which allows you to increase the bandwidth of the channel, in which multiple antenna systems are used for data  transmission and reception. MIMO technology is used in wireless communication systems (Wi-Fi, WiMAX, LTE) to increase bandwidth and for more efficient use of frequency range. The use of MIMO technology allows more data to be transmitted in a single frequency range, thereby increasing the transmission speed.

Two radiating systems with orthogonal polarization are placed in the antenna, allowing to work in MIMO 2x2 mode.

Sealed antenna is made of high quality ABS plastic, resistant to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. It allows to use the antenna both indoors and outdoors.

The antenna inputs are shorted to a direct current between the external and internal conductors. This reduces the probability of static electricity accumulation at the input of the active equipment (modem, router). Thus, the probability of failure of the connected equipment (modem, router) from static electricity is reduced and the use of a lightning discharger becomes optional.

Antenna mount is designed for installation the antenna on a mast with a pipe diameter of 32-40 mm or on a wall using wall brackets KH-200 and KH-330 and their modifications. This mount allows to change the direction (azimuth), the angle of inclination and polarization of the antenna.

The radiation pattern in the horizontal and vertical planes.

The antenna is designed for installation on the mast or on the wall with wall bracket KH-200.

Dimensions (length , width , height ), mm
250  x   250  x   100 

Antenna characteristics:

Operating frequency range, MHz
Antenna gain, dB
VSWR in the operating frequency range, not more than
Input impedance, Ohm
Maximum input power, W
N- female
F- female
Permissible wind load, m/s
Operating temperature range, °C
-40 … +50
Maximum permissible humidity, %
Port isolation, not less, dB
Communication standard
GSM 1800
LTE 1800
Type of mounting
on the tube
Execution type


Антенна KROKS KAA14-1800
Кронштейн угловой
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Руководство по эксплуатации (паспорт)
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